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Yearly Report
This report describes the important yearly and monthly influences that affect you each and every year. It shows how to get the most out of your experiences by identifying the likely events that will happen and the preferred approach to those events. Several important yearly influences are given in addition to a month by month look at what to expect.
These influences are not directly re-lated to your basic personality (as de-scribed in the Numerology Report), but in¬stead show the time of greatest opportunity or when potential difficulties can arise. Having this information before hand can help you to get the most out of each year.
Each report will describe the:
 Most likely events to occur during the year that can indicate the best time to embark on a new venture, begin a romance or simply enhance your life.
 Yearly approach to events that show how to minimize your frustrations and maximize your chances for success. By following this approach, you are best able to take advantage of the opportunities that occur, as well as to avoid or minimize the difficulties likely to be encountered
 Monthly cycles that describe the approach to events likely to produce the most growth and development during each month. By using the described approach, you’ll be able to make the most of each month.
This report covers a 12 month period, starting with the month your order is processed.
   Yes, please rush me the following reports based on numerology. If I am not 100% satisfied, I understand I can return these reports for a full refund. Use the space below to order either a Numerology Report and/or a Yearly Report and/or a Romantic Relationship Report. For additional reports, either copy this form or send required information on a separate sheet of paper.
  Name Phone #
Address City State postcode
  Please PRINT carefully in block letters.
  Numerology Report:
  1. FULL Birth Name as it appears on the birth certificate:
first middle(s) last
  2. Name Used Today which is most strongly identified with:
first middle (only if used) last
  3. Date of Birth:
month day year
      Yearly Report:
  1. FULL Birth Name as it appears on the birth certificate:
first middle(s) last
  2. Name Used Today which is most strongly identified with:
first middle (only if used) last
  3. Date of Birth:
month day year
    Romantic Relationship Report for Couples:
First Person in Relationship: Second Person in Relationship:
1. FULL Birth Name as it appears on each birth certificate:
first middle(s) last first middle(s) la st
  2. Name Used Today which each person most strongly identifies with:
first middle (only if used) last first middle (only if used) last
  3. Date of Birth:
month day year month day year
    Please send me Reports at $19.95 each $
  All reports will be emailed within 48hrs

Numerology Yearly report

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